Content Ideas

How To Get 101 Content Ideas From These 20 Places In A Few Minutes?

One of the most disturbing yet interesting things people ask “how do you get so many content ideas?”. Are you thinking the same?

There are millions of blogs and bloggers are trying hard to get the blog post ideas which can grab the attention of many people. 

But the thing is how would you get those content ideas? What are the places and ways to bring something new in the blogosphere?

No doubt that every topic has been covered but still, you can bring something unique. We all have our own perspectives.

You should know the places and the events which can give you an idea to write your next blog post.

Are You ready To Know The Ways To Get Content Ideas?

You may be thinking about a single place where everything is available. But you know that dreams can only be real if you put your mind on the right spot. So spread your approach

Let me provide you the list.

1. Quora Is the Best Place.

Nowadays, people are sharing their thoughts on Quora. You can get hundreds of ideas just by spending a few minutes to this platform.

As you know that it’s the forum which helps the people to find the answers to their questions. Apart from the adult content, you can publish anything on Quora.

2. Reddit Is The One In All Platform.

I have recently come across many content ideas from Reddit. And I was amazed to see the results of that article. People share some amazing topics there.

You can check the trending topics or the communities. There are different communities with thousands of subscribers. To get exposure, you can also add a Reddit button to your WordPress website.

3. Facebook Groups.

No doubts that Facebook is one the best platforms to share your content and get more content ideas. There are many famous groups with thousands of members.

People share their views, their posts, to the group. You can get a new idea for your next blog post. People try to find the solution for their problems which can make you learn many new things.

You should also know how to add Facebook like button to WordPress website.

4. LinkedIn Communities And Groups.

LinkedIn is one the most rapidly growing social networking platforms and people are loving it. There are many groups which can provide you an effective piece of the content.

You can learn more about blogging, WordPress, social media etc. You don’t need to spend much time on LinkedIn. It’s quite easy to have an eye on many post titles.

>>How To Add LinkedIn Share Button?

5. StumbleUpon Always Rocks.

Though it’s a little bit of time consuming but still, those random stumbles can help you to get some great content ideas.

I have recently got an idea about ” reasons people aren’t reading your blog posts“. And then I thought, it’s important to let people about the things they are doing wrong and what are the reason they aren’t getting enough traffic.

6. How Can You Forget Twitter?

You can see a list of tweets which can spark your mind to write a new blog post. People share their content to get more exposure and you can use it to get a new idea.

A single tweet can help you to generate an article which can get more re-tweets than one you have read. It’s like embracing the old content in your style.

7. Pinterest Can Also Help You.

If you like images then Pinterest is the place for you. There are many graphic designers which share the images showing people everything about their blog post.

You can get new ideas from a single image. Just try to find the right board to search. If you do it wrong then it can consume a lot of time.

8. Google Search Is the best Option.

Whenever you type anything in the Google, you automatically get many auto-completed sentences. That’s the best place to get new content ideas.

It’s because you can easily find the right keyword for your blog post from Google. Just type anything you like and see the results.

9. Seek For The Answer to Your Questions.

Though most of the people try hard to become a famous blogger but still, there are some doubts they want to clear. You can search to solve the mystery of your questions.

There are many blog communities which can help you to get an answer. Along with that, you can then share the solution with your readers.

10. Check Your Facebook Feeds.

People from your friend’s list keep sharing the useful content. It would be a great idea if you check the feeds for 2 minutes.

These two minutes can give you more than 5 content ideas. Try it once in a week and you will be happy to see the results.

11. Always Check The Trending Tweets.

In the Twitter sidebar, you can easily find the topics which are trending right now. It depends on your location. The choice is yours whether you choose the international topic or the national one.

Suppose you see a tweet with the hashtag “#bloggingjourney“. It means that people are talking about their personal story. They are tweeting about the blogging journey, how they achieved their goal, how they faced the ups and downs.

12. See Your Old Posts.

Your own blog is one of the best places to get new content ideas. It’s possible that you can re-write any old posts with the different concept.

Suppose you have an old post “15 mindblowing things to learn before starting your business“. You can write another article like “how to grow your business like a pr0?”.

13. Choose Your Social Media Platform To Ask The Question.

People like to share their ideas and you can take the benefit. You can post a question on Facebook to ask your friends about something random.

You would be amazed to see that people come up with some innovative content ideas. And you can use them to craft an informative post.

14. You Should Check Yahoo Answers.

One of the best places to get new content ideas is Yahoo. You can find many people sharing their thoughts on Yahoo. Yahoo Answers can help you grow your thoughts.

You can even ask any question and see the response. It will be full of ideas in a few minutes. It’s a long process but with many ideas.

15. Check Your Blog Comments.

If you’re using the plugin like CommentLuv then it would be easy for you to see many new blog posts. You can get some great ideas from the discussion.

Suppose you have posted about “blogging growth” and then suddenly a person comes with the concept of the mistakes people make during blogging.

Then you can write another post about the common blogging mistakes.

16. GrowthHackers Is The New Platform To Visit.

Whether you promote your content or you search for something new, you can get many content ideas on this platform.

People share their blog posts including the excerpt of the posts. You can go through many articles within two minutes.

17. BizSugar Is Another Place for You.

I have recently come across a community which can help you to grow your blog by promoting it on here. Just like any other sharing platform, you can see many articles.

18. Check Out Medium.

Just like LinkedIn, Medium is also one of the leading websites. You can find many useful articles which can help you to generate new content ideas.

19. Visit A Famous Blog.

There are many blogs running on the web and you can get new ideas just by reading a few articles. You can accomplish the task to gather 20 ideas from one blog.

20. Google Plus Communities.

I have never tried to use the Google Plus communities but recently I joined a few and it’s effective. People share numerous of blog posts within a few minutes.

You can come up with many new content ideas within a minute.

Do You Visit These Places To Find New Content Ideas?

Our mind is so creative that we can get new ideas about the blog post from anywhere. But when we decide to become a professional blogger then it’s important to choose the effective topics.

To get such content ideas, you can use the social networking websites. There are millions of users sharing their content which can help you to regenerate any topic.

It’s like polishing an old shoe. But it doesn’t mean you copy the content. You should use it just to get an idea about the blog post title.

If you know any new place then people would love to know.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi, I would add Flipboard and Triberr to the list. I’ve recently gone back to Quora, I do like it. I have been in Reddit or Stumble Upon in years. Reddit was tough to build traction on and Stumble caused my huge bounce rates.

    It’s always interesting to learn how others find their ideas for content. Thanks for sharing your list Ravi with us.

    1. Hey Lisa,

      I haven’t used Flipboard yet but sure would like to try.

      There are many people on Triberr too. Every place which has the contribution of different people is always a good one to explore your content ideas. Reddit can be a mind striking platform.

      Thanks for sharing your experience.

      Have a great week ahead.


    1. Hey Louis,

      There are many other places which can help you. It’s just not everyone can check every place. Many people are there who love Google alerts.

      Thanks for pointing it out.

      Have a great day.


  2. Wow! Great list, bro.

    Even though there’re a hundred more ways, this list consist of some of the popular places bloggers do get their ideas from.

    I’ve taken my Google search console seriously these days. What do you think about that one?

    Thanks for sharing, Ravi.


    1. Hey Francis,

      Google Search Console can give you a rough idea about the number of clicks and the raise. You should use Google Analytics to find the most clickable topic of your blog.

      It would help you to regenerate your old content.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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